Playing Princess at the Magic Kingdom

Tiana Twins!

Tiana Twins, originally uploaded by littlelostrobot.

Eliza got all dressed up for a night of trick-or-treat fun at the Magic Kingdom's "Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party"

She went as one of her most favorite princesses, Tiana from 'Princess & The Frog'

Riding Home With Her Loot

10-22-Pumpkins-Wagon, originally uploaded by littlelostrobot.

Pumpkin Patch Princess

10-22-Pumpkins8, originally uploaded by littlelostrobot.

Pumpkin Hipster!

10-22-Pumpkins4, originally uploaded by littlelostrobot.

Eliza's October '11 Oregon Visit

We can't believe that it's almost been a week since Mommy and E took a trip to Oregon to visit Aunt Karey on her birthday. Here's a slideshow of the highlights...

A new doll from Grammy

A new doll from Grammy, originally uploaded by littlelostrobot.

Eliza named her new doll LuLew.

Walking the streets of PDX

Ready for adventure

Ready for adventure, originally uploaded by littlelostrobot.

A nice, sunny Fall day in Portland.

Shopping With Grammy

Shopping With Grammy, originally uploaded by littlelostrobot.

Doing a little shopping with Grammy. We found this tough looking hoodie!

Karey's Birthday Weekend

Karey's Birthday Weekend, originally uploaded by littlelostrobot.

Happy Birthday to Karey!

It's cold (comparatively)

Eliza wearing two things she hasn't worn for awhile - long pants and a jacket. She looks ready to take on the cooler Oregon temps.

Eliza's First Mani-Pedi

Eliza's First Mani-Pedi, originally uploaded by littlelostrobot.

Eliza is basking in the glory of her first mani-pedi. She sat like a big girl with Mama, Grammy LuLew and Auntie Karey. Her nails are purple with white daisies.

Drawing Pictures of Karey


Cheers From The Epcot Food & Wine Festival

We ate our way halfway around the world before it started pouring.
Our little foodie sampled all kinds of dishes. We almost forgot she was just three until she demanded we go to the "milk store" to get her something to drink.