In May, we celebrated something very special - our first anniversary as a family. We feel lucky each day to have Eliza in our life.
Probably the biggest change we’ve seen in Eliza is the explosive growth of her language skills. She understands so much and has a wide variety of words. The list of new words is too long to list. She’s now saying all kinds of fun stuff like: cute, yummy, wash, help, hot, brush, stairs, mine, car, hat, blankie, banana, eat, cookie, keys, glasses, open, apple, please, thank you, more, pretty, shoe, eye, yellow, two and adios.
She can also say pee-pee, poo-poo and potty. That’s because we’re working on some early potty training stuff. She’s fascinated with all things related to the toilet.
Although Eliza’s still in diapers, she’s definitely not a baby anymore. For one, no more bottles. We were glad to ditch those. Instead, Eliza likes feeding bottles to her baby dolls. She also loves pushing her babies around in a tiny doll stroller and putting them to bed in a tiny baby doll crib.
Eliza is long and lean. She’s always outgrowing her clothes and shoes, which is just fine with mom who loves buying her new, cute stuff. Here were Eliza’s vital stats at her 18-month check-up:
Weight: 25 pounds, 10 ounces (50-75th percentile)
Height: 33.75” (95th percentile)
We’ve had some fun family adventures in the past few months. The biggest of which was the Western Caribbean cruise back in May. Eliza loved the “boat” as she called it. It seemed that her favorite things about the cruise were the plentiful ice cream cones and all of the stairs. She loved climbing up and down the stairs around the ship. Our cruise stopped in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands making Eliza an international traveler. The kid even has her own passport. Something we plan to put to good use in the future.
We also traveled back to the Southeast in June. We got all spiffed up for the Southeast Regional Emmy Awards in Atlanta where we reunited with old friends. But the highlight of the trip was visiting Eliza’s birth family in Alabama.
We’ve had a good time living in Houston. It’s awful hot, but there’s so much to see and do here. We’ve had lots of picnics and playtimes in the park in the past few months.
We’ve also hosted a variety of guests: Karey visited in April. Then Grandma Cathy and Grandpa Rocky. In May, Grammy LuLew was here. And LuLew returned in July. Eliza loves the attention of visitors. Between our doting and theirs, she’s a pretty spoiled little girl.
Link: Eliza's First Quarter Report